Tuesday 17 March 2009

After weeks of applying for jobs, I finally landed an interview. FINALLY. Because so far, these temp agencies are epically failing. I even signed up to another one yesterday and nothing.

So yes, my first interview in weeks, and lo and behold, I am also the first candidate scheduled. Excellent. I've read over the job details, I know I could do this with my hands tied behind my back, and I'm feeling really good about it. I even woke up this morning excited, danced around the flat to Britney Spears, and totally pumped myself up with the 'Yes, you will totally GET THIS JOB' spirit.

The bus, even though it came 6 minutes late, dropped me off exactly in front of the building's doors and I found the room with no problem. I was even 10 minutes early.

After reading the brochure on what the school was all about, I was led into the interview room and asked questions by two of the ladies in charge. So far so good. Then, when it came time for the second woman to grill me, the fire alarm goes off.

'Don't worry, it's just a drill'
'No, the drills are on Thrusday'
'Oh yeah....maybe I should go see what that is'
The one lady gets up to check while I just sit there with a dumb smile on my face.
'Yeah, it's not a drill. We have to evacuate'

So halfway through with my interview, the building is evacuated and the firemen are called to make sure that we won't die. Turns out the cleaner was hoovering up some dust left by the builders. Some how the dust got blown up into the fire alarm, and apparently dust and smoke are identically because the alarm went off. Or so went the rumour around the students.

Anyway, we went back to the interview and fingers crossed, they want to hire me. However, they still have 2 more days of interviews. BUT, I am hoping that my attitude of 'I already HAVE this job, so stop wasting your time and tell me where to sign' will transmogrify into reality.

I applied for two positions at the school but only received the information for one of the positions. So I thought they had just thought me a better candidate for the academic assistant position. Turns out they just forgot to send me in information on the other position, so the lady just said to send her an e-mail after looking the information over to see which one I preferred. I WANT to see this as a sign that they totally have already hired me in their head for something and just want to know which one to give me.

Of course, I always tend to leave interviews feeling like I aced them. Obviously that hasn't turned out to be true because all of my jobs have been through temp agencies, where the employer is just suck with you no matter how crappy or amazing you are at your job.

Oh- I did get a look at some of the competition. While we were waiting outside for the fire trucks to arrive, I saw this woman who didn't look like a student standing around. But then, on the other hand, she did have black tights with a MASSIVE run down the front from knee to ankle and was wearing a short frilly little skirt with flowers on it. Kinda like the one I have from H&M that I only wear on a drunken night out. Then I saw here again in the waiting room...yep, candidate numero duo. She had a total smokers grovelly voice too. Shady 2, unprofessional looking smoker, 0.

1 Throwing Stars:

erin - heart in ireland said...

Fingers crossed you get the job!

That is kinda funny, that you had to evacuate the building!

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