Monday 9 March 2009

Picture this: You're asleep, nice, warm, and cuddling up to your significant other in bed.  You've just about drifted off into a peace full dreamland, when BAM, you feel something pounce on your bed.

If you're a sane, rational person, your first, immediate thought is "Damn, it must be a NINJA!"  Which is precisely what Beat Ettlin (uh, you're name is BEAT? That's pretty hardcore...almost ninja hardcore) said.

 "I just saw this black thing. I thought it was a lunatic ninja, an intruder. It just fell on top of us on the bed. A couple of seconds later I realised it was a kangaroo."

That's right.   A ninja kangaroo.  Oh, if only Beat had a NINJA BELT SWORD, then there would have been real ninja vs. ninja action.  Instead, Beat did the next best thing:

I got him in a headlock and pressed him to the ground.

Yep, a good, ol' fashion headlock.  And that is how you defeat a ninja Kangaroo, my friends.  That or with a NINJA BELT SWORD.

2 Throwing Stars:

erin - heart in ireland said...

that is brilliant! and i love how you were able to talk about the ninja sword.

and yea, the book of kells is amazing, i was still awed the second time i saw it. and the bog bodies, seriously the coolest thing i've ever seen.

erin - heart in ireland said...

oh yea :) i've awarded you the lemonade award!

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