Saturday, 11 April 2009

That's right! The evil, liberal media, the pink shirt industry, San Francisco, people who drive electric cars and whatever the hell ass-shats like Rush Limberg rail on about have struck again! This time, they have spread their dirty anti-American anti-God disease into the elephant population. And it's pissing off the Polish.

We didn't pay 37 million zlotys ($11 million) for the largest elephant house in
Europe to have a gay elephant live there," Michal Grzes, a conservative
councilor in the city of Poznan in western Poland, was quoted as saying.

"We were supposed to have a herd, but as Ninio prefers male friends over females how will he produce offspring?" said Grzes, who is from the right-wing opposition Law and Justice party.

The article

Dear Poland:
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? You just imported a bunch of wild animals who were otherwise happy wandering the plains of Africa and are now complaining because the wild animals don't conform to your idea of 'natural'. Here's a thought- elephants living in Poland is not natural. You're confining beings into cages that limit their mobility for the amusement of others and now you're whining because one little elephant likes to frolic with other male elephants. Wha wah. It's NATURE! You can't say that the little Elephant is gay because he didn't find Jesus because he's AN ELEPHANT. You can't blame it on his mom coddling him too much, the liberal media brainwashing him to be a sympathetic [insert anything Ann Coulter has ever said here], no- he's all natural, organic, and GAY. Suck on it!

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