Tuesday 30 June 2009

Oh Shit

Today at the Hospital, a woman ran up to my desk, looking very flustered, and asked "Is this where you do colonoscopies?"

"Yes," I replied, slightly taken back at the way she asked me. Most people prefer to ask if they are in the Day Bed department rather than blurt out to the world that they are around to be anally probed.

"Oh thank god."

So I checked her in, filled out our paperwork, and asked her to take a seat.
"Um, I can't do that right now. I crapped in the bus. I just came right out. I've been shitting since 10 this morning and thought I didn't have any more in me. And now I don't know what I'm going to do- I didn't even bring a spare pair of pants! Please say this is normal and that it happens to everyone. "

SERIOUSLY? You crapped your pants on the bus?!?! Quick, look adult, concerning, and sympathetic.

"Of course, it's very normal. The nurses are very vigilant, so you should be seen to very quickly."
And with that she waddled off to stand by the open window.

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