Thursday, 22 January 2009

The computer/technology gods tooooooooooooooooootally like to screw with me. So, once upon a time, I thought I'd be clever and change the el bloggo layout. I have always wanted a three column thing and thought that I had found one. After uploading it, I realised it was crap. Horrible, horrible crap. So I tried another one. ERROR! And another one. ERROR. Then the ORIGINAL ONE I had saved BEFORE uploading the others. ERROR. It failed EVERYTIME. I tried to look up the errors, and they said that google has yet to fix any of them and that you had to just delete your blog and start over again. Ha, right. So instead, I tried to rebuild it. And still, I find that certain things give me ERRORs. So if anyone out there knows how to solve a template error starting with bx-, PLEASE enlighten me.

All this after my pay as you go phone doubles my minutes. Since I bounce between the US and the UK so much, there is no point getting a real phone, especially since I really *heart* the idea of pay as you go. My old contract cost me $50 a month, but since I live in the boonies and have no friends, I can get away with $15 a month- or could until they raised their minimum to $20. Still cheaper than before! Today I had to top up. I bought the credit on line, and...ERROR. But it told me not to hit refresh or else be charged twice, so I ran away. Later I found a tab for "adding time." It told me that I had to re-programme my phone. I did, and presto, I magically ended up with twice the amount that I paid for. Score.

So win on phone minutes, fail at blog. I'm really hoping this bug gets fixed...or else it might be a moving party!

1 Throwing Stars:

Kira said...

this background is pretty cool, though!

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