Tuesday, 27 January 2009
No, I didn't get a job. Or have really looked for one, since Mom decided that I would be their next painter. BUT I am being interviews nonetheless from the fabulous Erin over at andherheardisinireland.
1. What birthday has been the best?
The ones where I've been in the UK. I never really did birthdays growing up because my birthday is in the summer and all my friends were off with their parents on family holidays. So most birthdays consisted of me going out to dinner with my family. But over is the UK, I have the bestest friends ever, and while we still just go out to dinner, there is also mucho drinks and banter involved.
2. If English was your second language what other language would you have has your first?
A few years ago I would have said French, since one of my life goals in to be fluent in another language, and 4 years of high school and one quarter of French in uni means that French would be my closest bet. But I'm not that that into it. Plus thinking about the question, what it's really saying is "if you weren't born in an English speaking country, where would you like to have been born, since English is not your first language." Born wise, it would have to be Norway. Ever since we had to study Norway's socialist economy in high school Econ, it always struck me as a great place to have been born. BUT, if I could be fluent in another language in addition to English, I would go for Quechua. Because then I totally would be able to go to Peru and fulfil my archaeology dreams, most likely with a fatty (or as big as they come for South American Archaeology) grant since I would actually be able to converse with the local indigenous tribes that remain. I suppose then I would also have to know Spanish so I could fit in with every else.
3. What is your favorite piece of artwork?
This is a tough one since I was an Art History major. I also was a History MSc. So I like art that really rubs history in your face. Enter Jacque Louis David, especially during the early rumblings and height of the French Revolution. I'm a big fan of Oath of the Horatti
and Death of Marat, not just for the Neo-Classical mastery, but for all the historical symbols imprinted into them. Looking at either piece is basically like reading a historical text book on the French Revolution, but much more ascetically pleasing.
4. Where has been the best class you took in college, why?
Another toss up. Def Early-Modern French art with Norman Bryson is up there. Not only is Bryson a genius, he also makes class every fun, very easy to understand concepts, and opens your eyes to the history ingrained in each piece. His classes were very much like History..only with Pictures, rather than Paintings...let's talk about how we feel about their styles and what the artist was feeling.. Blech. The other awesome class I took would be Intro to the Inca by Goldstien. This was my first archaeology class on Peru, and while I had taken others on the Maya, the ancient Peruvians really struck a chord for some reason which led to this fascination with Peruvian archaeology. Everyone else in the class seemed to struggle, but for some reason I totally go everything that Goldstien was saying, and even enjoyed the readings...very rare.
5. What has been the most beautiful place you've been to and why?
As much as I would like it to be Scotland or some romantic scenery of the Highlands, the most beautiful place I've seen would be Avenue of the Giants in Humboldt County.
It's not so much the road through the trees I like, but the forest itself. I grew up in a forest very similar, but with much smaller trees. I love the overwhelming feeling of growth, the beauty of sunlight trickling its way down through the canopy, the, and the history that resonates out of these giants, many of whom have been around since the Alexander conquered the Mediterranean.Everything is so green, there's hardly anyone else around, and you feel so at peace. There are loads of places to pull over and hike, and there are wonderful hiking trails that take you through the heart of the trees and along the river.
Thanks again to Erin and her questions. If anyone wants me to shoot a few questions their way, lemme know and I'll be happy to think up something.
1 Throwing Stars:
Loved your answers! I feel you on the summer birthdays, but luckily I had a few good ones at summer camps which made it special.
And you would looove my college roomie, she studied abroad in Peru for a semester, and those trees are awesome! I would love to see trees that big!
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