Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Being Human

lkahdlhfa! My goal was to get back BEFORE  Being Human started...looks like that failed. Or will fail.  There are conflicting reports about when the show is actualy going to star from my friends. I still feel that Claudinja is right and that the show starts in Feb, but Blonde Flatmate says it's on now.  However, she is blonde, so subject to make mistakes. (EDIT: I just looked it up, it started Jan. 25th. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) What they are showing (and that I feel she things the the show) are trailers for it. 

When BBC Three made a one off 2 hour (or one hour) show, to "test the waters", there was massive public reaction for them to make it into a series.  They did.  George is still played by the same actor, but Mitchell and Annie are different actors. Although in my mind, Guy Flanagan was way hotter and more vampish than Aidan Turner.   Enjoy.

Being Human Trail - BBC Three

Mitchell's Prequel - Being Human - BBC Three

George's Prequel - Being Human - BBC Three

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