Monday 20 July 2009

'What time should we get up?' my Honey asked as we were bedding down for the night.

'Umm, probs around 8:30.'
'You think? '
'Yeah, I mean come on. It's Scotland, they're builders, I don't foresee them arriving anytime before 9:00 or after 4:00.
'Oh, okay.'

Which is why at precisely 8:00, we got a knock on our door and 7 various large, burly men all related to the building/construction profession filled up the tiny space the estate agent called a living room.

And I look a right state in the mornings.


Seriously, nothing is more appealing than emptying the bathroom of boxes of tampons, perfumes, and hair bands in an old tee shirt stolen for your boyfriend with Ron Jeremy's face staring out of it (he says he got in in the States when he was 15 because the liked the 'Keep on Trucking' slogan underneath the face) and knowing that you won't be able to pee for another 6 hours thanks to big, scary Scottish dudes ripping the walls of the bathroom.

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