Wednesday, 20 May 2009

There must be something in the air...or water, or American food these days, because it suddenly seems like everyone I know is either married or engaged (btw, happy anniversary Kiki!). See what I mean!?!?

As with most things, it all started with Facebook. I couldn't help but notice that a lot of my friends' statuses were proclaiming "[insert name] is the happiest person EVER", "OMG, two weeks before the wedding!", " [insert name] loves [insert name]!! Thank you for making me the happiest person ever!!!"

So naturally, curious me decided to do a tally. Bad idea. I discovered that 23 of my friends are either married or engaged, and out of them, 4 of them have BABIES! One with twins, and one with 2 already. DUDE! And I'm a month shy of turning 25. And I KNOW PEOPLE WITH MARRIED LIVES AND BABIES! 23 of them and counting!

I guess I'm still mentally in the 'but we were just in High School, like, a year ago!' mindset and totally don't feel as 'grown up' as the rest of my classmates seem to be. I mean, I just finished school a year ago, My Honey is about to go back to school, and at the moment, I am working a very part time job and making nothing while paying off my student loan with imaginary money. Marriage? Kids? Ummm, can I haz job first?

I know I constantly compare myself a lot to everything under the sun, but I have to say, nothing quite makes me feel like I'm light years behind everyone else than seeing the kids I went to High School with getting all hitched and having proper jobs and lives. Did I miss something? Was there a 'growing up' fast track course that everyone and their mom took while I was pissing away my early 20s ( oh god, can't believe I wrote that...I'm almost no longer an early 20something) drinking pints in pubs? I even have a few friend who have put down DOWN PAYMENTS on homes!

But as much as I whinge about how jealous I am that they are all grown up (and yes, in my head the image of grown up I have is the same I had with I was 7 yrs old, playing dress up, writing cheques, wearing my mom's lipstick and pretending to smoke pretzel sticks and drinking juice pinky up), I am FREAKING SCARED to let it happen to me. Because being 'grown up' is also synonymous with 'old' and 'having responsibilities' and I think I'll try to post pone some of those until I'm at least 30.

2 Throwing Stars:

E-Money said...

WHOA you changed the layout.

Friends getting married is weird. I'm only 21 and I know quite a handful married WITH children. WTF?! SLOW DOWN!!

Kira said...

Haha but I'm just like you! My husband's still in school and I'm thinking of going back, and I'm paying back my student loans with imaginary money, too :)

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