Monday, 11 May 2009


That's right- this blog is getting divorced...or, you can think of it as undergoing mitosis, which is probably a more apt description.

I've noticed that I can't help but write a lot lately about my knitting experiences...and this I know is boring for the majority of you. Therefore, as of TODAY, there will be NO MORE KNITTING speak on this blog. None. Knitting, I cast you off! (ooh, bad knitting pun...shame, shame!)

Instead, my knitting adventures will feature here. Anyone interested is more than welcome to join me there to read all about my yarn addiction. But this one will remain for more pedestrian intersts- rants at stupid people, comments on idiotic fashions, and the odd article on bizzare animals/people/events/etc.

So there we have it. The knitting speak is GONE, having evolved into its own entity and broken off from the mother Blog.

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