Saturday, 30 May 2009
Today was one of those amazing days in Scotland made for just lounging about outside. Which is precicely what I did, and ended up with a pretty nice burn down the right side of my body.
I know, sunburned, in Scotland? Oh yeah. And we are scheduled for nice sunny weather until Monday.
The other thing I love about Edinburgh in the sun are the intersting characters who seep out of the woodworks. Nothing in comparrison to an average day in SF's Delores Park, but enough to keep me entertained.
Like the trio of gimps I saw today. It was actually just the blue one, the yellow one, and the red one. Just walking down the street.
Very creepy.
There must have also been some sort of sporting match on as well today, because there was a gang of guys dressed in Jimmy Hats and Scotland Saltaire boxers walking down the street with a few guys in New Zealand rugby tops and towels.
I *heart* this city.
Containing Edinburgh
2 Throwing Stars:
Do you think that the purple one is like, the result of red and blue having an affair? Or the green a result of blue and yellow?
Something to think about!
Bahahaha...but then...what sticks into what?
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