Friday, 15 May 2009

Well, if Tuesday's Eurovions was bland, last nights was ROCKING! THIS is the Eurovision as I remember.

My favourites:
Greece- because this guy is taking himself SERIOUSLY. As in he is seriously hardcore about winning Eurovison.

Also, Hungary.

Oh Hungary, major WTF?!?! Watch where the dude's head is loacated...peerve.

Honerable mentions are Ukraine for the stripper in a hamster cage, Netherlands for killing the most mirrorballs for suits, and Albanie for featureing a creepy green gimp.

As you can see, these performances were VOTED on by the home countries and are the 'best acts' they had. Says something for their skeezy nightclubs, eh?

1 Throwing Stars:

Kira said...

Poor Greece. I thought they would fare much better than they did.

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