Monday, 27 April 2009

I have been bad. Bad, naughty, and very blog negligent. I would like the reason to be legit, but the fact of the matter is that I've come down with a bad case of knitting ADD and have spent every spare second thinking of MORE projects I could do instead of finishing the ones I have started. And of course, having no self control and buying impulse yarn does not help.

First of all, remember that last post, the one about potential jobs? Yeah. So here's the run down:

-Elizabeth Hunt and the temp job: A no go. After meeting with a very enthusiastic consultant who swore they had loads of jobs for someone of my experience, she then NEVER phoned me back, sent me the standard typing and IT tests or anything. It's like I'm dead to them. Oh well.

-The International Language School: Again, got the e-mail about how they still had places and wanted my CV back to look at, and then again, no word back. Nothing. So I am apparently dead to them too.

-The NHS: I had mentioned that I kick ass at the NHS, and apparently they thought so too because today at 9:00 I got a call saying they want me back. Unfortunately, it's at the Western, which I LOATHE (bad food, no Honey working next door, and boring banter) but it's a job. And it's a job I know and can do well. So it looks like I'll be back to work at the hospital for the next couple of week...I say next couple of weeks because...

-The NLS: remember how I tried to sneak in that I had an interview last Monday, but didn't really tell anyone about it because it epically failed? Yeah. Well apparently everyone else who interviewed failed more because I got a call on Wednesday saying 'We're offering you the job'. BOOFUCKINGYAH! I am SO stoked. This is the FIRST job I've gotten through an interview- normally I just fail the interview and get a letter saying 'thanks but no thanks' a few weeks later. So that is awesome. Also, it's a job I can go to IN JEANS! I have been DYING for the opportunity to NOT wear dressy work-attire, and as a reference assistant, all I have to do is show up and not look too scruffy. Also, the job is only a 10 minute walk from my flat, and is part time, so I will be able to help Scottie get organised for our move down South. Also, this job is an 8 month contract ending in November. This means that there will be some months were Scottie is down in London and I am up here, but his parents have already promised me that I can use the flat for as long as I like rent free. Again, BOOYAH! I have always secretly fantasied about what it would be like to have a place all to my own. Obviously I love my partner and don't want to be apart, but at the same time, we have very different tastes. And in my head, I would love to come home to a clean flat, get my jazz playing (or my alternative radio station from SacTown), light some candles, pour some wine, and knit/read. So now I will be able to.

So basically I am just waiting on the Disclosure form from the Scottish Government so I can work, and that has been rumoured to take 2-3 weeks. But luckily I have employment now for those week, so happy dances all around.

I only have to finish 1 and 1/2 sleeves and the hood of my jumper before I sew it all together and can say I have knit my first hoodie. I am halfway done with a cardigan I impulsively started with some super cheap acryllic yarn I got at a bargin store, but that felt like bamboo/cotton mix, and I <3 it. AND I am about 1/6th done with another lacy cardigan that I hope to finish sometime. Goal for all my projects: FINISH SOON because I have a birthday knit I have to get started on and finish by JUNE.

*crack that whip*

2 Throwing Stars:

Kira said...

oooh will you make me a jumper with a skull on it? :):):)

Kira said...

and yay for jobs!

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