Monday, 6 April 2009
Turning diabetic, I think I'm turning diabetic, I really think so
Shanked by Leashie on Monday, April 06, 2009I know, diabetes isn't funny, don't joke about it. But holy hell, Easter is a GREAT time to be a British kid. The tradition over here is to give out chocolate eggs. And not puny little chocolate eggs, or chocolate eggs that taste like old cardboard, but proper, delicious, and sugar high inducing chocolate.These bad boys are like a foot tall!
And POSH! These sweet eggs will set you back £8-20 depending on where you go.
It's said that Brits consume more sweets during this time of the month than any other. And damn do I believe that! Forget Halloween and Christmas, Easter is all about sweeties. Every sweet making company has their own Easter chocolate egg line: Cadbury's, Lindt, Smarties, Mars, Milky Bar, Kitkat, Nestle. In addition to copious chocolate eggs, you get loads of other Easter related sweets- Chocolate ducks, bunnies, lady bugs, lamb, flowers.
My Love and I received a two of the giant chocolate eggs from Thortons, such as the one above. These come with not only a giant ass chocolate egg, but a selection of truffles as well. Oh, and this was after I caved in and bought a half egg filled with truffles for My Love and me to share.
And this kicker- I don't really care that much for chocolate. Those girls who go ape sh*t for chocolate and get all moody if they don't have it and crave it all the time- yeah, so not me. It takes me about 4 minutes to eat one truffle, and I don't think I have ever eaten a whole candy bar in my life in one sitting. More often than not, I'll have a bit or two and forget about it for a day or so. Then have another bite.
My mom, on the other hand, squirrels chocolate away like she storing it for a chocolate famine in winter. When I was home, I stumbled upon two of her secret cashes, and every time we went into town, she had to buy another bar or box of chocolate.
So now we have more chocolate than is humanly possible for anyone to eat, especially for someone insouciant about it. However, on the other hand, I am crazy about not wasting things. So this chocolate is going to be eaten, one way or another. Even if I have to muck in and gorge myself every day. Because if that's what it takes to git 'er done, then so be it. Insulin, here I come.
1 Throwing Stars:
I went Easter Egg shopping today and was sorely disappointed by the American selection. I miss good chocolate :(
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