Tuesday, 21 April 2009
It was my last day of work at the NHS today. Ahhhhhhhhh. Time to relax and look for more employment.
So naturally, I had to leave with a bang. Well, I personally didn't make one. But the driver of an NHS van certainly did, half an hour before go-home-time.
Outside the Booking Office, where my managers are stationed, is a taxi rink. It's also a drop off point for the NHS vans, containing medical supplies, notes, etc.
Apparently a little old lady was walking across the crosswalk when BAM, she is hit and run over by an NHS van. There was blood. And unfortunately for the poor little old lady (who uses a cane, for goodness sake!), the van was parked on top of her- so all the paramedics, the surgeons from A&E, the doctors near by- all the medical staff could do to help was try to talk to the poor old thing because they needed to wait for 2 fire engins to arrive to lift the van off her body.
Well, she must have gone into cardiac arrest, because as soon as the van was off, they started giving her CPR. No idea whether or not she died.
So you can look at it as 'how ironic that she gets hit at a hospital' or as 'well at least the hopsital was close by'. Or both.
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