Saturday, 21 February 2009
So once again, I woke up early. Like 4:30am. I laid in bed and pretended that I was on some reality TV show and made to do an endurance trial called "keep your eyes closed for as long as possible and pretend you're asleep". This didn't turn out so well. I could hear the traffic outside slowly picking up, and knew that being bored in bed with my eyes closed was futile, so at 7:00 am, I got up, made a bagel, and fiddled around online. At 9:00, I figured I was pretty cold from being out in the living room sans heat, and went back to cuddle in Scottie's warmth. And passed out dead cold. It took a GREAT effort for me to pull myself out of bed at 12:00.
This seriously can not keep happening! I have never had issues with coming back to the UK before, and found it pretty easy to fall into a normal sleeping routine. Ugh! I am thinking of going to out buy sleeping pills like Melatonin. It's not falling asleep at night that's the problem, it's staying asleep once I do.
1 Throwing Stars:
It's called jet-lag. It most certainly does exist, I'm afriad...
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