Thursday, 12 February 2009


Everyone in the UK has been enjoying snow for the past couple of weeks, and it's made me very annoyed that I'm not there to enjoy it. I may be a NorCal girl, but you still have to drive up into the higher elevations to actually see any snow, so my only real snow experiences have been those rare occasions when it snows and sticks in Edinburgh- something that I can only remember happening once, 4 years ago. Scottie's parents even drove me up to the Cairngorms to see snow last year because they wanted me to see some snow over the Christmas holiday. Awww.

So last night was an experience! My mom had a doctor's appointment in Grass Valley, the closest thing we have up here to a "city." And it's up around 2,500/3,000 ft. elevation. Now, last night at around midnight, the radio dude announced that it was snowing between GV and PV, at around 2,000 elevation. So I was hoping to at least see some snow.

We start out and it is PISSING down rain. Hardcore. As we enter GV, it's still raining, but that quickly changes. By the time we got out of the hospital, our car looked like this:
Meanwhile, my dad is phoning like crazy telling us to get out NOW or else we would be snowed in. He works near by and had high tailed it out of there before the inches piled up. Well...we tried. Problem is, my mom has NEVER driven in snow before, and our car was slipping and sliding all over the place. Plus, we don't have chains, so our traction was nada. We were forced to pull over and wait it out.Eventually we managed to slip and slide our way down to a gas station, where we were in walking distance of a taco shop. We ate, then waited some more. Eventually, after 3 hours, the roads looked manageable. We slipped down to the freeway and managed to flee.

So things were pretty, at least, and I FINALLY got to see some snow!
Unfortunately, the worst of the storm was waiting at home in the form of my irate dad who for unknown reasons was furious at us for not leaving immedately from the hospital and coming home. Umm, sorry we were trapped...

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