Sunday, 1 February 2009

I know that there was probbaly over a million people excited to watch the superbowl today, but seriously, how can it even think of competing with the pure awesomeness of Being Human? That's right, Sunday also marked episode 2 of Being Human, and THANK JEBUS there is someone out there uploading it so that saddos trapped in the US can enjoy it THE SAME NIGHT IT AIRS IN THE UK. Genius!

There is no telling what I would do if I ever met the incredible angel who uploads those episodes...or the person who invented the whole streaming tv shows/movies ability. I would SO bake you an awesome cake. Hell, I would even throw in dinner for free too!

BBC Three, why oh why are you only making 6 episodes? Where you accidentally dropped on your head by big brother BBC One? Had your face sat on for too long and lost oxyen to the brain? ONLY SIX?!?! Dude, this is by far one of the best shows to grace the tv screen, especially compared to the load of wank Big Brother/Every other reality tv show out there. Divert funding from Davina's make up and hair jobs, and MAKE MORE EPISODES!!!

I can't believe I've been reduced to writing about tv shows, but it's been awhile since I was properly obsessed with one, and by god it's a good one!

0 Throwing Stars:

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