Thursday, 19 February 2009
Being back in the Burgh, while fabulous, is also really really strange. This always happens when I leave for several months and come back. On the one hand, I feel like I am home. On the other, I need to readjust.
My key is old and looks like it's from a period piece, my brain needs to shift back to hearing Scottish accents, and while I know which streets to take to get me places, the shops have changed- no more Woolworths across the street, a new bakery over there, the restaurant behind us converted into a Chicken Cottage. It's being in this limbo where I feel like I'm home- but not at the same time.
Which is why I throw myself into as many familiar things as I can. One of my bestest friends in the UK is coming over tonight to see me and we're making dinner. Tomorrow I am having tea with my old flatmate from 1st/3rd year and possibly my dissertation supervisor. This weekend I am seeing Scottie's parents, and the following I am running away to Fife to help my other 1st/3rd year flatmate learn about super tiny coastal villiage towns. Another part of it is I am scared to start looking for a job and want to procrastinate and have excuses for another week. But being thown into the lives of others is how I re-orient myself to being somewhere new (or newish) and in turn, it helps re-ground and establish myself out of limbo and back into a norm.
Hopefully, I'll be right back where I was 2 months ago!
1 Throwing Stars:
Ooooh Fife! That's where I'm from.
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