Friday, 3 October 2008
Have you ever noticed that wonderful things happen when you're in a wonderful frame of mind? After the aftermath of Black Sunday, I pulled myself up, started thinking positively again, and got myself back into that optimistic frame of mind where things would go well and could definitely be worse. After all, I still had a form of employment (temping is sporadic, but at least it pays and is perfect until I get my Visa in December), I have an amazing, loving boyfriend, don't have to pay rent, get to live in a fantastic city, and have wonderful friends- pretty damn lucky. So it's even more fantastic when good things happen. For instance, my mobile.
Now, ever since I got back to the UK, the techo-nerd in me has had a bad case of mobile phone envy. It seems like everyone here has these super sleep, awesome phones. I had this:
Which don't get me wrong, was an awesome little phone. It had a flashlight! It's battery could last a week! It was the simplest thing every...but naturally, I wanted something a bit more. Something with colour, or that could take pictures, or have neat ring tones. But alas, having one wasn't exactly necessary since this little guy did a great job, and I really didn't the funds to spend on soothing my techo-gadget desires. But then last week, my friend up and just gives me this sexy little number:
WHOA! For free! Here sister's contract was upgraded and with that came a new phone. So her sister gave it to her, and she has no use for it and gave it to me! The only catch was that it was locked to a network. I did a lil internet investigating and found that LOADS of people had bought this type of phone either over the internet or from friends, only to find it locked. They went to the service provider who said that they couldn't unlock it, that they had to be paying members of the service, and that it was expensive - like over £50 for the company to unlock it. CRAP!!! In the words of one of the online forums complaining about this problem 'you just got yourself an expensive paperweight.' So close...and far. But I just had to try, so I took it to a sketchy phone unlocking place, where the nice Middle Eastern man gave it a quick glance and said'£15'. WHAT? People online were complaining of spending over £50 to get it unlocked. It sounded too good to be true...but it WASN'T! So now I am the proud owner of an awesome phone that fills all my nerdy needs and only had to pay £15 for it....but the weekend wasn't over yet.
Today was another perfectly autumnal day. The sun was shining, the air was crisp, with a cold icy breeze blowing down from the north, and Barbie and I decieded to play tourists and visit the palace. I've been in Edinburgh on and off for the past 4 years and have never visited the Palace, which is still a working palace where the Queen spends a few week every summer before vacationing in Balmoral to the north. The palace was lovely and full of fun history tidbits, and after walking the palace gardens and breathing in the euphoric aroma of woodsmoke wafting through the air, Barbie and I headed up the Royal Mile to an awesome shop that was unfortunately closing down. The shop is like this hippie new age place that sells everything from crystal pendants, to tarot cards, to buddah statues, to books on meditation, witchcraft, and herbology. And this sale was more than AWESOME.
I have this little obsession with labradorite...and lo and behold, they had loads, and it was all over 50% off. How could I not? Sales this good just don't happen every day! I got a square pendant like this one, but much richer blue. And of course I had to have the earrings as well that sorta look like these, and, well, I just couldn't help it...I caved in and got a ring too...then I
stopped. I really don't have the funds for impromptu jewellery spending, but they lady was practically giving these gems away. The total cost for all three pieces would have come to £110, aka over $200! But, she let me walk away with all of them for the sweet price of £40. I figured that's only one days of work....bad, bad Shady, I know, but early Christmas pressie for me. YOU NEVER get cheap labadorite like this. I figured it was another sign.
I don't know if it was just good luck or good karma, but either way, this combination of weather, autumnal ambiance, techo goodies, and my favourite cheap jewllery, and my honey bought me dinner tonight....totally doesn't get better than this! Black Sunday? So passé!
1 Throwing Stars:
LOL I HAD THAT SAME phone in BCN with the flashlight! So handy! HAHAHA... =)
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