Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Days of yore

I was doing some autumn cleaning on the ol' lappy the other day and found an old bookmarked site for a blog I had waaaaaaaay back in the day. Okay, it wasn't that long ago, but it started in 2004- my online travel/reflection on living and studying abroad. I had completely forgotten that I had it, and it took me ages to remember the password. That's a lie, I never did think of the password, but some how it got linked to this account. Computer magic I guess. Anyway, reading back through my old entries is totally making me cringe...the things I wrote down (which I am too embarassed to allow public now) are so opposite from what I belive in now.

For instance, I really did enter Scotland with the same outlandish, tourist-fed, steryotypical ideals that Barbie currently has, and which currently piss me off to no end. I even mentioned in one post how I would become a Nationalist if I could...I think I seriously must have been on crack that year.

But it is a nice reminder of the person I used to be and how much I have grown since then. I don't know if I'll still stick to the same views that I embrace now, but I suppose that blog #2 here will be a future reminder of the person I am now.

One thing that hit me was how awesome a cook I was back in SD. Apparently I continued my blog until second quarter of my last year at uni (how did I completely forget this?) and a lot of it is delicious sounding. Like my homemade artichoke, ranch, basil, tomato pizza...if only ranch and artichokes existed in Scotland...

Here is one this I will share..the MQ's top ten lists!
Top Ten Inappropriate Political Campaign Promises
10. Putting the White back in the White House
9.Deport homosexuals back to their homeland
8.Get US population down to a cool million, one way or another
7.No Child of Economic Privilege Left Behind
6.Replace State of the Union Address with 45 minutes of president wrestling a quadruple amputee
5.More all-campus dances
4.Vertical Manifest Destiny
3.Appoint new Secretary of Strangling Hobos
2.Getting abortions out of the clinics and back into the alleys where they belong
1.A gajillion new jobs

Top Ten Ways to Get Play at UCSD
10.Stalk your TA for some T&A
9.Join the Five-Year-Olds Club
8.Attent annual "Whores at the Shores" event
7.Overly suggestive phallic, scented candles
6.Overly suggestive phallic-scented candles
5.High skirts, low standards
4.O-chem answer key
3.With the new Blockbuster Freedom Pass!
2.Major in foot reflexology

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