Thursday, 23 October 2008
I am going mental. Nucking Futs, as the button I had in 9th grade said.
Yesterday, with no bread to bake or things to do, I stayed in all day and got more depressed. I contemplated going out to buy an apron, but I have no money to frivolously spend like that. And it was cold, windy, and rainy.
So I stayed inside and really hurts to say it...watched High School Musical 1 & 2....ugh. I know. I hate myself a lot more for it. And I think I lost 100 more IQ points.
Today was only slightly better. I was determined to make a pumpkin pie.Sounds easy- go to shop, buy ingredients, mix, bake, voila. Oh wait, I forgot that this was Scotland.
So I walk the mile to the large shop that is the closest thing I can get to a Safeway or Ralphs to look for ingredients. I find the spice, the pie crust, the cream, eggs, everything...but pumpkin puree. No where. So I go to another shop. And another. By the time I get to the 6th shop, I am annoyed, tired, and by this time, wet, because it started raining again. So I suck it up and resign myself to follow in the footsteps of our foremothers of a pumpkin to make puree from scratch. Now I can't remember how much a can of pumpkin puree costs in the States, but I doubt it costs more than $2. My fu*&ing pumpking cost $5. PLUS I have to take it home, cut it, clean it, and boil it for 2 hours to soften it up before scraping off the skin and running it all through a blender. HASSLE.
And good bloody homemker that I am, I even bake the pumpkin seeds to snack on.
Then I bake the pie. It cooks, smells good...BUT TASTES LIKE EGG. No pumpkiny taste at all. Apparently there are pumpins and there are cooking pumpkins, and it being close to Halloween, all the store are selling CARVING PUMPKINS...which have no flavour. Awesome.
Next time, I am using a butternut squash.
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