Saturday, 27 June 2009
Whew, it feels like so much has gone on and it’s only Saturday! 1) I am the queen of friggen MacAwesome. MacAwesome desserts that is. My birthday was on Friday and because it’s in the summer and EVERYONE and their mom is working/sick/broken/on holiday, I decided to make the cake myself. And let’s just say I was inspired by the awesomness of Wimbledon. Because that’s actually a lie, but I like it better than the truth. The truth is that I have one friend who doesn’t like chocolate cake ( I know, right!?!), one friend who is obsessed with strawberries, and a my own personal desire to use up leftovers, which were, in this case, a can of coconut milk and half a bag of dried shredded coconut. Enter my idea to make a coconut and strawberry cream cake. After searching the internet for a freaking recipe that used coconut milk AND dried coconut, I finally foundthis. I followed it for the cake base recipe. Well, the cake looked great baking, but thanks for the 4 eggs, it settled down during the cooling period and started to resemble a dense, macaroonish like custardish pancake. No worries, right? Then I cut up almost a punnet of strawberries, lightly crushed them, threw in some sugar, and mixed it up with some good ol’ marscapone. Then I whipped up some heavy whipping cream, cut up more strawberries, and presto: 2) My overall birthday was fab too. All but one friend managed to make it (she was foiled by hayfeaver, of all excuses), and it was good to get everyone together again, especially since 4 of us all lived together 5 years ago and haven’t all been together in a few years. And I got some fabulous swag too! A wonderful new handbag, a super amazing mug that holds like 2 cups of coffee, incense, jewelery, and My Honey gave me an exquisite dress from Monsoon, a new pair of converse shoes, and a feather down pillow in the shape of a giant V from a local pillow shop. I also was incredibly spoiled by My Honey’s family, who gave me WAY more bank that I deserve. Giggidy quarter centennial.And it tasted pretty orgasmic too! The cake was actually very moist and coconutty and complimented the fresh straberries more than a teen age boy trying to get laid for the first time by the girl next door.
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