Monday, 22 June 2009

Feel the burn

For the past few weeks, there's been a whole lot of nothing going on. The job at the library is a lame 7.5 hours a WEEK, and in my free time, I've been fannying around. I mean, I did managed to apply for a few jobs, but then I find a new TV streaming site on line, and before you know it, I've seen all three seasons of 30 Rock in 3 days. Oops.

So I was pretty surprised when I got a call this morning at 9:30 from the temp agency. Had they found me a job? Sorta. The temp who took my job at the NHS (grrrrr) is going on holiday, so they phoned me up to be her replacement. Awesome. This means that I get to work 7:30-3:30 three days, and 7:30-8:30 two days next week. Not to mention I am scheduled for a Saturday shift.

I just went from a 7.5 hour work week to a 46.5 hour work week.

Thank jebus it's only a week. You'll find my smouldering corpse on Sunday glued between the bed and the duvet, and there is NO way I'm coming outof that bad boy before 10:00.

1 Throwing Stars:

E-Money said...

Way more than what I'm working. I blieve this week it's be a whopping 3 and a half hours.

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