Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Righty- have been a bit AWOL due to my narcoleptic tendencies brought on by work. But now I am back. And drunk. And free (ish).

Tuesday is when SAfriend comes round to dinner because she has an art class at 6:30. This evenings menu- Vietnamese Prawn Salad. I am so into this whole Vietnamese cooking thing. I think maybe bio-dad is really from Vietnam instead of Thailand, as he claims, because I have been doing a butt load ot Vietnamese cooking lately. And kick ass at it!

Anyway, SAfriend was over and she brought CAVA!! SAfriend finally got a job from the temp agency, so to celebrate, we popped open the CAVA- which then had to be finished in less than an hour because of her class. Done and done. Then Scottie got home and for some reason wanted to celebrate my 3 day weekend (oh yeah, I decieded it's my right or whatever as as American to celebrate Thanksgiving by taking the next 3 days off of work to go down to Hove to see my other amazing American friend and think about religious fanatics and cultural genocide). So then I got wine. And more wine.

And did some online plane bookings.

Life hate #3
Companies that charge you up the ass and then screw you while you're down. So far, this has happened twice to me in the span of two months. The first came from theuksource.co.uk, aka the worst online electornics company EVER. My poor moblie came with a broken charger and rather than pay for a new one, I went online to find a cheaper one. The Uk source has one for like £2. Hot. And after some research that stated that my particular mobile has a fail for a battery, I decieded to get a £3 battery. £5 or so in total. Then the wankers decieded to charge me £6 (£3 per item!) for shipping. WHAT?!?! To make matters worse, I didn't recieve anything for a month. A MONTH!! I sent the 3 e-mails. The first one said 'WHERE IS MY ORDER?!?!' The second one echoed that, and the third said 'CANCEL OR I WILL CONTACT MY CREDIT CARD AND DECLARE FRAUD.' I finally got an e-mail saying it was in the post. Kinda. A few days later I get a note from Royal Mail saying that someone skimped on the postage and that I owend £1.20 to get my parcel delivered. Fine. Whatever, just give it to me already. THEN when it arrives, it is only the charger- no battery in sight. And no word at all from the dodgy website that took my money but none of my e-mails (and they don't have a phone, so no one can call...at all..not even to order a pizza).


Well now it sorta happened again, this time in the lovely orange guise of EasyJet. EasyJet, in order to make money, charges for your soul. I am flying from Edinburgh to London, then connecting to the US. So one would assume that I might have some luggage. Not with EasyJet! You get to pay £6 to STOW something up to 20kg. You can buy extra weight at a discount online, with an extra 6kg costing £18!!!! So I am only going to the US with extra underwear and maybe a sock. THEN they sneak in £5 insurance that you have to untick in a clever way or else it sneaks its way into your overall charges. THEN they also charge £6 to use your Visa card.

All this, and my original plan was to take the train for £25, no limit on luggage weight...but Scottie wanted to get into London at a reasonable time so this relatives could pick us up....oh the things we do for love and decency.

More wine please.

3 Throwing Stars:

Nikki-Rae Alkema said...

hey shade-ster...i liked your background so i went to the site and tried to put on one of my own. after enduring like 20 minutes to pick out my fav, it didn't work! what is your trick?

Mr. Boofs said...

Ha...welcome to America. You are a fine writer. Now go get literate in the Bible. Then if you believe Jesus is the Son of God (as the great Anglican theologian and author of the Narnia children's books C.S Lewis once said in "Mere Christianity" : "...either He was a liar, a lunatic or He was the Son of God...") repent of your sins (if you know you are a sinner), then accept Jesus' sacrifice for you and ask His forgiveness. I hope you discover there is nothing more important than this question of who Jesus really is. If He really is who He said He was, be ready when He comes back. He is not a liar. Satan is. Your 'devil' title came up as a result of my son and I's google search. It made us laugh at least! That's why I know you are a decent writer! Can I ask where you heard that expression? If you made it up it's very clever ( or is the word 'cheeky'for you Brits?).If you ever want to talk, my email is moman41@hotmail.com God bless you regardless, sincerely, and Merry Christmas! P.S We are definitely enjoying our outside Christmas lights like millions of other Americans--poor or not! Also we love to tell the Christmas story and sing God's praise at our Anglican church! Thank God you guys colonized this land so long ago. I will love every Brit I ever meet for that. England and Scotland are part of my ancestry too so I hope I can come over there with my family someday.There's some castle called the James castle where we came from. Maybe you could be our tour guide! Peace , love and mutual understanding forever! From Preston Law II USA

Leashie said...

Re: Mr Boofs- I wish I was clever enough to claim my title as my own, but it's actually a line from Heart Attack and Vine by Tom Waits.


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