Wednesday, 5 November 2008
SO furious. So upset. So...lost without anyone able to sympathise. While the rest of the US (and the world) is cheering the victory of Obama last night, those of us Californians who don't have shit for brains were quietly holding out breath and praying for another victory in the march towards true equality- the fail of Prop.8.
Ya know, nothing really kills your happy Obama buzz than having to also somehow comprehend that 52% of your fellow Californians are in favour of discrimination. The terrorists have won. The terrorits against the Constitution.
It's rather ironic (in a sick, perverted way) that a state where the majority voted a black man in to office in a strong show of dispelling racial discrimination would then turn around and focus all that discriminaton in another direction.
I am so on the verge of a long long rant over why prop 8 is so ridiculous and stupid and should never exist in a country that has any faith what so ever in the true meaning of freedom and equality, but that would take hours, bore everyone, and probably result in me beating my old lappy to death in anger and fustration. Then I would have no compter and be screwed because it is my only connection back to the US.
So instead, I will go sulk.
All this hope and change that Obama is espousing seems a bit of a lost cause when you can see that even liberal states vote to legally discriminate. Sure Obama is president now, but how long will we have to wait until we have a gay president? If we won't even let them love, then America still has a very very very very very long way to go.
California, I am ashamed to associate myself with you.
Och aye the noo!
Containing anger, angst, hypocritical elections, so mad I want to stab babies
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