Sunday, 12 July 2009

This time the culprit is a badger.

A badger in Germany got so drunk on over-ripe cherries it staggered into the middle of a road and refused to budge, police said on Wednesday.

A motorist called police near the central town of Goslar to report a dead badger on a road -- only for officers to turn up and discover the animal alive and well, but drunk.

Police discovered the nocturnal beast had eaten cherries from a nearby tree which had turned to alcohol and given the badger diarrhoea.
Laying in the middle on the road in a pile of your own liquid excrement and being mistaken for dead? Yep, sounds like my typical, drunken night out. This badger is obviously taking notes from the master. Now excuse me while I find my pants and scrap some of this shit out of hair. Sexy? I haz it.

1 Throwing Stars:

E-Money said...

Hmm interesting. Guess I shouldn't give my badger booze. Don't want him ruining my carpet.

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