Monday, 1 December 2008

Winter? Yah.

Okay, so maybe I pinched this photo from somewhere else, but holy McFrackFace it is COOOOOOOLD!

Worst idea ever: Wearing high heeled boots (bloody work attire) during a frost storm. I had to literally walk on my tip toes on icy pavements of death while trying desperately not to slip and fall into either oncoming traffic or on my arse. Tomorrow is a solid sole boot day, and damn work attire!

Everything is white. The cars, the sidewalks, the railings. And yesterday it dipped into -5C...which is 23F for those in the US. Everyone has been saying that it's too cold to snow. In my head, cold is not worth existing unless it can be paired with snow.

In other more exciting news, I GRADUATE from my post-grad degree in 1 day!! This means a 4 days work week.. and oh yeah, one day is already done. Booyah!

The unfair part: Guys get to wear their kilts, but girls have to wear either black trousers or skirts with a long sleeved collared shirt. I say discrimination! You can get away with a hideous yellow or florescent pink tartan if you're a guy, but girls are stuck with boring black and white. The rebellious part of me almost wants to wear my pink and purple mini-kilt in defiance.

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