Wednesday, 17 September 2008

So I met with the temp agency lady today, and voila! Instant job...working in a BIG SCARY CORPORATE OFFICE OF DEATH!!! EEEEEEK! I figure that I'll pick up the stuff like Microsoft Office easy enough (have a wee bit of experience with that), but this whole business of using a switchboard scares the crap out of me. I already failed 'How to use Phones with Buttons 101' so the idea of me working a switchboard is paralysing. But enough of all this scary being employed stuff (although thankfully it's only for 3 weeks), in other news, I have no hair anymore.

Do you every just wake up one day and go, 'Huh, I want a change...maybe cutting off all my hair would be a good idea'? No? Well then maybe you have more sense than me. I've been flipping this idea in my mind for about a week and phoned up on Monday for the soonest appointment. I've been letting my hair grown since August, aka the last time I was in a hairdressers and had them chop off what was then quite long into a mid-neck bob. This meant that my hair from top to end was about foot and 5 inches long.

I ran into the haridresser's after my interview with the temp agency with seconds to spare, but it naturally being Edinburgh, ended up waiting about 15 minutes. This gave me time to stroke my fingers through my hair for the last think about that one time my friend braided it...and how I completely failed to be able to braid it myself. In fact, for having long hair a majority of my life, I am astonishingly bad at styling it. I drool in envy of those who have the ability to braid their own hair. Seeing someone being able to whip their hair up into an impromptu messy bun makes me want to kick a small child in frustration, and witnessing someone using chopsticks or even the humble pencil to pin their hair up sends me into a dark desire to use their chopstick/pencil/stick as an eye extraction tool if they don't reveal unto me the secrets of how such seemingly simple hair feats are done. If it's that easy, why can't I ever do it?!?! EVER!?!?!

But when you look around, the majority of girls here have long hair- hair they take time to style, to straighten, to curl, to fix with assorted products, and while I wish in my soul that I had the time and patience to play with my hair every day, the fact of the matter is that I would still fail, even if I had years to play around with it. So there I was, lost in thought about the pros and cons of hair and how long it would take for my hair to grow back after I had it cut, when the hairdresser called my name. I sat in the chair and showed her a picture of a short Katie Holmes bob- after she was brainwashed into the super straight bob with massive fringe, but way before she was talked into getting it suuuuuper short...

The hairdresser looked at me with a somewhat maniacal smile and said 'you're sure? That's like 8're sure?' 'Yeah, yeah, I need a change. Chop it off.' And off it came. Now, I won't say it doesn't look anything like the picture, but I can't decide if I look a little too much like John Denver than any person in the 21st century should. I have to admit- it's short. And shows quite a lot of face. I can no longer hide behind my long tresses. I'm hoping that it will look better in the morning, but I just washed it and it's dry already...and not looking any better.

But hey, hair grows. In two months, it will be a perfect length and I'm sure I'll love it. In the mean time, I'll have to do my best to not look like an 15th century page boy (even though page boys probably had longer hair), and hopefully no one at the new corporate job office hell will mistake my sex.


EDIT: Okay, I think I like my hair a little more now...It's taking a while to get used to, but I think I'm making it work.

1 Throwing Stars:

Zonko said...

You know your hair is HOT... babelicious! Why not give us a picture? I think u should get it cut again!!!

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