Sunday, 31 August 2008

And they're off! The doors open and throngs of bright-eyed, optomistic young adults shed their student lives and look with hope to the future....

Having graduated from one of the top universities the United States has to offer, I, like the rest of my fellow graduates, were eager to throw ourselves into the chaos of 'adult life'; 9-5 employments, meetings, conferences, salaries. Some moved to new cities, new states, and a very small percentage moved to new countries. I fell into the latter category. I was eager to get back to Scotland, where I had studied abroad the year before, and I was full of the hope that I could find myself a good job, get a work visa, and be set to live as an adult. Instead, I ended up temping for 6 months, partying as much as I could with my friends still at university, and wishing that I could go back to the easy life of the student.

Thus, the following year, bright-eyed and optimistic, I enrolled in a post-grad degree at the University of Edinburgh. Now I find myself in the same position that I was in 2 years ago...the doors have been flung open, we're supposed to be ready to embrace the future, the 'adult' world, and somehow, the optimism I had in 2006 is sorely lacking in 2008.

I know that the odds of me getting 'that perfect job' are slim to none, and that the reality of a humanities major making the big bucks is minimal, but I've grown to accept that. Now the challenge lies in finding a job- any job, and then sinking my teeth into that most delicious 2 year post study work visa, brought you to by the benevolent Home Office for only £400. Blerg. The way I see things now, baby steps are the way to tiny achievement after the other.

But before I can be arsed to do any of that, I'm postponing life for another 2 weeks and going on a holiday! Nevermind I have no money, it's only for 4 days and will hopefully be a relaxing joyage of self discovery. Yeah right, I'm going with one of the most energetic, confontational, spazes I know...but that only makes for more interesting memories, right?

So the blog has begun. At this very minute, I am an unemployed, mid-twenties, recent post-grad graduate planning a 4 day holiday with about $300 in my bank account, a glass of old wine by myside, and no idea which direction my life will be heading. Time to pull in the ores and enjoy the ride.



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